Giving makes a difference.

We respond to God’s generosity
by being generous.

Take a closer look.

Get a detailed look at our impact and financial stewardship by reading our annual report.

Ways to Give

We’re not raising money simply to “keep the lights on”—important though that is! We’re raising Jesus-centered people to participate in the work of God. People are not “resources” to be tapped for more; we are in Christ and being formed by the Spirit. Giving is not a response to the scarcity we may feel in our hearts or see in the world; it is the grateful response of a people who have received a great gift.

If you have any questions about giving, please contact Tess Gee at

Online: Give online through our secure online giving page.

Text: Text any dollar amount to 84321.

Checks: Make checks payable to "Holy Family HTX" and drop them in the offering plate or mail them to: 3719 Navigation Blvd, Houston, TX 77003

During our liturgy, we offer bread and wine to be placed upon the altar and also receive a collection. This marks our transition from Word to Table: having heard of God's goodness, we respond by practicing generosity.